Contract Cleaning for Coronavirus prevention
The new variation of coronavirus is known as SARS-Cov-2, is faster than the old one. Some people have mild symptoms, and some don’t have. But they could carry it from person to person easily.
There are some guidelines you can use to avoid it.
1- Wash your hand carefully:- You can use the alcohol-based sanitiser or soap and rub it for 20 seconds. Frequently rewash your hands when you touch any surface.
2- Don’t touch your face:- This virus can survive up to 3 days on some surfaces like cellphone, doorknob. You can get infected when you touch the surface. Don’t touch your nose, eye and mouth with your hands because the virus can enter into your body from these paths.
3- Avoid using somebody phone or do not share your phone:
4- Cover your mouth with a mask when you cough and sneeze: The covid 19 viruses can be live in the air in the droplets form. It means it can transmit from people to people by cough, sneeze. After sneeze. You should wash your hands immediately
5- Clean the surface on a high priority basis: you should use the government certified products to clean and disinfect the surfaces like countertops. Door handles, furniture. Sanitize the grocery products, phone, laptop etc or calling the Contract Cleaning Coventry
6- Avoid meeting the people and follow social distancing: Don’t gather. You should not meet people directly; even close friends because it provides a good environment to transmit the virus from person to person.